Been a while since I last took the time to solve a CTF challenge. I did not take part in the Boston Key Party CTF, but a friend of mine told me that I might be interested in this crackme.

hypercube.dol is a GameCube binary that computes a value using terribly unoptimized code. The goal of the challenge is to understand the code and “optimize” the slow parts. Kind of like the “supercomputer” category from PlaidCTF. I like crackmes and I like GameCube RE, so let’s get started!

First look

$ strings hypercube-5f456d4afe1cae8909b3ff9abba66c0a.dol | grep -i libogc
|libOGC Release 1.8.11

This GameCube binary is in DOL format (the main executable format for GameCube and Wii) and was built using the libogc homebrew library, and more precisely its latest release. The DOL is stripped, but using symbolizer from GiantPune’s WiiQt project we can easily get a .idc out of it:

$ ./symbolizer ../../hypercube-5f456d4afe1cae8909b3ff9abba66c0a.dol \
        /opt/devkitpro/libogc/lib/cube out.idc
Loading dol...
Loading libs...
matching data...
 -- Round 0 / 10 --
 - added 106 new functions -
 -- Round 1 / 10 --
 - added 16 new functions -
 -- Round 2 / 10 --
 - added 4 new functions -
 -- Round 3 / 10 --
no new functions found 3
Total functions found: 310
 -- Round 0 / 10  following branches --
 - added 70 new functions -
 -- Round 1 / 10  following branches --
 - added 2 new functions -
 -- Round 2 / 10  following branches --
 -- Round 0 / 10  following branches and global variables --
 - added 2 new functions -
 -- Round 1 / 10  following branches and global variables --
Total global variables:  87
Total data matches:      21
Total functions found:   395
Generating idc file...

$ wc -l out.idc
858 out.idc

Looking at the code

Let’s start disassembling the thing now that we have a few symbols. For that, we use IDA and the very convenient DOL loader module created by HyperIris: IDA 6.1 version. Let’s look for __lwp_sysinit, since it is usually where the main function is used:

void __lwp_sysinit() {
  // ...
  // ...

From there, we determine that __crtmain is at 0x8000340C, and it then calls main at 0x80005BC4. We could have looked at string x-refs to determine the same thing, but we usually don’t get this luxury (and at this point we haven’t run the binary yet so we don’t know about main displaying some strings).

main has a loop that computes four different values (stored on the stack: 0x8(r31), 0xC(r31), 0x10(r31) and 0x14(r31), with r31 being the frame pointer). Let’s call these values a, b, c, d and look at how they’re initialized:

.text1:80005C2C                 li        r0, 0xADD
.text1:80005C30                 stw       r0, StackFrame.a(r31)
.text1:80005C34                 lis       r0, 5 # 0x5DD11
.text1:80005C38                 ori       r0, r0, 0xDD11 # 0x5DD11
.text1:80005C3C                 stw       r0, StackFrame.b(r31)
.text1:80005C40                 lis       r0, 0x35 # 0x352463
.text1:80005C44                 ori       r0, r0, 0x2463 # 0x352463
.text1:80005C48                 stw       r0, StackFrame.c(r31)
.text1:80005C4C                 lis       r0, 0x800 # 0x8008135
.text1:80005C50                 ori       r0, r0, 0x8135 # 0x8008135
.text1:80005C54                 stw       r0, StackFrame.d(r31)

We start with a = 0xADD, b = 0x5DD11, c = 0x352463 and d = 0x8008135. Now we need to look at the loop and what exactly it computes (then how we can make it faster):

The loop

First things first: how do we exit the loop. The relevant code is this:

.text1:80005C58 loop_entry:
.text1:80005C58                 li        r0, 0
.text1:80005C5C                 stw       r0, 0x18(r31)
.text1:80005C60                 b         loop_condition

.text1:80005D3C loop_condition:                         # CODE XREF: sub_80005BC4+9C
.text1:80005D3C                 lwz       r0, 0x18(r31)
.text1:80005D40                 cmpwi     cr7, r0, 0x7A9E
.text1:80005D44                 crnot     4*cr7+eq, 4*cr7+gt
.text1:80005D48                 mfcr      r0
.text1:80005D4C                 extrwi    r0, r0, 1,30
.text1:80005D50                 clrlwi    r0, r0, 24
.text1:80005D54                 cmpwi     cr7, r0, 0
.text1:80005D58                 bne       cr7, loop_body

This code is an horribly unoptimized way to have the following: an integer variable that goes from 0 to 0x7A9E (non inclusive). But what’s inside this loop?

.text1:80005C64 loop_body:                              # CODE XREF: sub_80005BC4+194
.text1:80005C64                 li        r0, 0
.text1:80005C68                 stw       r0, 0x1C(r31)
.text1:80005C6C                 b         inside_loop_condition

.text1:80005D10 inside_loop_condition:                  # CODE XREF: sub_80005BC4+A8
.text1:80005D10                 lwz       r0, 0x1C(r31)
.text1:80005D14                 cmpwi     cr7, r0, 0x15
.text1:80005D18                 crnot     4*cr7+eq, 4*cr7+gt
.text1:80005D1C                 mfcr      r0
.text1:80005D20                 extrwi    r0, r0, 1,30
.text1:80005D24                 clrlwi    r0, r0, 24
.text1:80005D28                 cmpwi     cr7, r0, 0
.text1:80005D2C                 bne       cr7, inside_loop_body

The exact same thing! A loop, which this times goes from 0 to 0x15. Now, the inner loop code is quite long, so I will directly skip to the pseudocode of the whole outer loop:

  for (u32 i = 0; i < 0x7A9E; ++i) {
    for (u32 j = 0; i < 0x15; ++j) {
      a = func1(b, c); // approximate
      b = func1(b, 0x6DDB); // approximate
      c = b ^ 0x1BA41C3C;
      d = func2(d);

The inner loop calls two functions: func1 (@ 0x80005B18) and func2 (@ 0x800059E4). func1’s code calls func3 (@ 0x80005A4C), which itself calls func2. It looks like func2 is where it all ends up, let’s start there.

func2 (@ 0x800059E4)

u32 func2(u32 x) {
  s32 y = 1;
  do {
    x -= 1;
    y += 1;
  } while (y != 0);
  return x;

Computes x - 0xFFFFFFFF, aka. x + 1. In a very, very slow way. We can replace the code of this function with the following code:

.text1:800059E4 func2:                                  # CODE XREF: sub_80005A4C+34
.text1:800059E4                                         # sub_80005A4C+78 ...
.text1:800059E4                 addic     r3, r3, 1
.text1:800059E8                 blr
.text1:800059E8 # End of function func2

func3 (@ 0x80005A4C)

When looking at the code of func3(x, y), we can notice it is doing ret = func2(ret); several times and contains two loops that seem to depend on the values of the arguments: x and y. Let’s make an educated guess: func3(x, y) -> x + y:

.text1:80005A4C func3:                                  # CODE XREF: func1+58
.text1:80005A4C                 add       r3, r3, r4
.text1:80005A50                 blr

func1 (@ 0x0x80005B18)

func1(x, y) adds something in a loop to the output value. Another educated guess: func1(x, y) -> x * y:

.text1:80005B18 func1:                                  # CODE XREF: sub_80005BC4+B4
.text1:80005B18                                         # sub_80005BC4+F0
.text1:80005B18                 mullw     r3, r3, r4
.text1:80005B1C                 blr


We can now running the code, and with the only loops remaining being the two loops in main, we instantly get the result:
